3 years ago
High market expectations at Calejo Smart Energy

Within the Calejo Smart Energy business area, Calejo is developing completely new tools for more reliable forecasts of energy production and of energy prices. A recent market study shows that there is a great market need for Calejo's energy services.

With the help of Calejo's unique and patented AI-based hybrid modeling (a unique mix of physical calculations and AI modeling), the goal is to create reliable forecasts of future energy production and price forecasts the future energy prices.

The tools are expected to provide great customer value in the form of time savings, simplified, faster and more accurate forecasts, optimized production and significantly more efficient markets.

Great need for better planning

In a market research based on in-depth interviews, Calejo has penetrated the interest in new, sharper and more reliable AI tools for the energy market. This clearly shows that market participants hope that Calejo's solution will lead to the right type of power being used at the right time and thus help to keep the price of electricity down for end consumers.

- The energy market is becoming increasingly complex with many new additional energy sources. But only hydropower can go in and replenish when there is a little wind and the wind power is insufficient. The problem is that hydropower today is limited. The market needs smarter tools to make it easier to understand and plan for the near future, says Leonard Johard, CTO at Calejo.

Calejo Smart Energy