4 years ago
Calejo participates in industrial projects to accelerate digitization

Together with RISE, Processum, Eurocon and MoRe Research, Calejo Industrial Intelligence is participating in a project that will help accelerate the digitalisation of industry.

The aim of the project is to find suitable AI cases and demonstrators for hybrid modeling in the Swedish process industry.

AI and increased digitization have great potential for contributing to reduced costs and increased profitability in the process industry. However, the use of this opportunity has been slow.

“AI is still a relatively new technology in many industries, including process and forest industry, and as with all new solutions, there are thresholds for implementation. Through this project, we see an opportunity to identify and overcome such thresholds, while increasing our competence and knowledge about AI and its opportunities in the industry ", says Bengt Aldén, business developer at RISE Processum and project manager for the new project.

Identify appropriate cases Against this background, RISE Processum's R&D Council has now approved a new project entitled "Preliminary study for demonstration of innovative AI solutions in the bio-based process industry". Based on Calejo's methodology for working with gray box modeling or so-called hybrid modeling, the project will try to identify different cases for early demonstrators in the process industry.

- We have judged that this can be a key to quickly and successfully begin to realize the potential with AI. The goal is to find the cases where AI can be of great benefit at low cost and a low level of risk-taking for the process industry, says Bengt Aldén.


Bengt Aldén
Project Manager, RISE Processum


New AI project