4 years ago
Calejo participates in an industry-wide AI mining project with Boliden and LKAB

Calejo is participating in a large industry-wide feasibility study with the aim of creating a framework for the automatic generation and updating of digital twins for complex and large-scale process industry systems.

The feasability study is funded by PiiA and Vinnova and has been named AutoTwin. In addition to Calejo also Boliden Mineral, LKAB, Optimation, SEIIA, LTU (Luleå University of Technology) and Uppsala University are participating in the project.

- This means that the feasibility study has been supplemented with research competence in automation, control technology, modeling, machine learning, AI and simulation from two leading Swedish universities and from the companies Optimation and Calejo. Domain competence and industrial perspective are contributed by Boliden and LKAB, at the same time as the organization SEIIA and ProcessIT will be responsible for generalizing the results, says Johannes Holmberg, CEO of Calejo, and continues:

- A mining production environment is often characterized by many collaborative processes, and is therefore an ideal starting point for this feasibility study. The ambition is to lay the foundation for an upcoming major research and innovation project with the goal of automating large parts of the creation and updating of digital twins for the process industry.
